Interactive & Tutorials

Enhance your course design, maintenance, and delivery knowledge and skills

These interactive video tutorials and downloadable job aid documents are organized into three key sections:

  • Getting Started with Course Design –  Do you want to learn about everything from finding your courses and adding content, to creating quizzes and managing groups? This section contains more than a dozen how-to guides, and interactive video tutorials to help ensure a successful course launch.
  • Refreshing Your Existing Course – Are you interested in updating or enhancing an already developed course? This section provides guidance on updating course content, ensuring accessibility, and streamlining group management.
  • Tasks During the Term – Curious about effective communication and grading strategies? This section has topics covering email optimization, announcements, various grading techniques, and using discussion boards.

Each tutorial or job aid is designed to be as straightforward and practical as possible. This allows you to apply your considerable teaching insights and desire to help students with minimal guesswork.

Getting Started with Course Design

Are you looking to create a course in Blackboard for the first time? The resources below will guide you along the process of developing your course content in Blackboard.

Video Tutorials by LMS Platform:

Refresh Existing Course

If you have already developed your course in Blackboard (or utilize a department template), there are only a few actions to take shortly before the start of the course. The resources below will help ensure that your course is ready for students on Day 1.

Video Tutorials by LMS Platform:

Tasks During the Term

After creating your course and ensuring that it is ready for the Semester, there are still times when changes are needed. The resources below can help with common concerns that might arise.

Video Tutorials by LMS Platform: