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Study Skills

As an online student, learning HOW to study is an important foundation for being successful in your online courses. Learning different types of reading and study strategies can help you find what works best for you. Use the resources below to help kick start your learning!

VIDEO: Critical Reading Strategies

Additional Study Strategy Resources

Time Management

When it comes to time management, finding what works best for you is key! There’s a reason we stress the importance of having a plan, then having a plan B, C, and D. Life doesn’t stop while we’re in school, so why not incorporate some school into life!

VIDEO: Time Management for College Students

Helpful Time Management Resources:


Taking time to make sure you’re taking care of yourself is very important. Most online students are not just students, there’s typically a host of other responsibilities that you’re managing including work and family. Make the time to ensure your personal wellness so you can perform your best in all areas of your life.

VIDEO: The 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Additional Self-Care Resources
Don’t take it from us, here’s what your peers have to offer!
  • “Time management, organization, and attention to detail are my top 3 key factors to being a successful online student. I work full-time, so it’s important for me to manage my time wisely so that I am able to meet production at my job and also do well in school. If I wasn’t organized, I wouldn’t succeed. I would spend too much time hunting down things such as highlighters, notebook, and pens. And attention to detail is an important factor for success because if my work has mistakes or if I don’t follow directions to a T, I won’t get a passing grade.” – Destiny Debroy
  • “Time management is the biggest hurdle in being a successful online student. Also, having a quiet place devoted to your studies. Another big part is being devoted and determined in succeeding in what you are trying to obtain through your studies. If your why is not bigger than what you are giving up to obtain this degree you will not succeed.” – Leslie Lawson
  • “Focusing on studies is challenging for online students. Many things can disrupt a person’s focus, from noise and activity levels around the living area to busy schedules. It is vital to schedule study time when you know your focus can be on the studies at hand and not things around you. A person who multi-tasks may not perform to their full capabilities if they have other distractions that limit them from focusing on the current studies.” – Pauletta Turner
  • “To be a successful online student, you must be diligent and structured. In online courses the resources to find the answers are available but you don’t have someone guiding you to the correct conclusion. You must be diligent to complete your work successfully. The instructor is not forcing you to complete work at certain times of the day, or making sure you are on track. You have to create a structure and schedule to stay on top of work and be successful. It is so easy to procrastinate and let the homework build up, but you won’t survive college that way.” – Demia Stonecipher
  • “To be successful as an online student, time management is key. I use my planner to write out when all my assignments are due and how much time I am going to allot to work on them. It is also imperative to set aside time for yourself. If you aren’t taking care of yourself then you have nothing left to put into your work, family, and school. Each week I find time to set aside an hour or two to do something for me. Lastly it is important to make sure I manage my home life within my school life. While school is important, nothing is more important than my family. So I include my family and my school schedule as one.” – Kori Elam
  • “Being an online student requires consistency. You must be able to log in on a set schedule to get all assignments complete and not fall behind. Once become organized and have a consistent schedule you will realize online school is a great way for flexibility in achieving your goals. You must also self motivate. It is easy to sit at home and watch tv or go out and have dinner with friends, what isn’t easy is logging into Blackboard after a long day of work to do school assignments. You have to remain motivated to log in even on the worst days and remind yourself why you are choosing to get a college degree. Goal setting is very important. Setting career and educational goals gives you something to work hard to achieve. It’s not easy being an online student, and some days you feel disconnected, but reminding yourself of your goals is a great way to stay on track.” – Kelly McIntire
  • “As an online student, it is easy to procrastinate on assignments, especially when you do not have a physical class to attend lectures at or professors that you see every day. If you lack self-drive, you may have the idea that you have time to complete the assignments without much thought to the time required to complete them adequately. In contrast, on-campus students begin their research on their topics during class time. On-campus students also have peers around them who help keep them on track, whereas online students rely solely on their capabilities and self-drive. This lack of self-drive can lead many online students to finish projects at the deadline instead of ahead of time.” – Pauletta Turner
  • “I believe that my biggest key factors for being an online student are knowing my resources, having a great support network, and taking time to give back to myself. As an online student, the pace and rigor of my courses are very intense. Knowing that I have a wide range of resources- such as counseling available to me, help from professors, staff who will answer any questions I have- that makes the difference in my learning. Additionally, having a great support network, made up of professors, friends, and family helps me stay focused and on track with my studies- because it is easy to become overwhelmed. And finally, taking time to do the things I love and giving back myself has helped me stay refreshed, energized, and on top of my studies. These are the main key factors that have contributed to my learning experience- in my time at EKU.” – Samuel Bullock
  • “I surrounded myself with people who are supportive of my educational goals. With their encouragement and help, I have been able to prioritize and manage my time. I also rely on my family and friends for emotional support when school becomes demanding. Work-school balance is important too. I prioritize physical and mental health by completing regular check-ins and maintaining self-care so I can prevent burnout and have more effective study sessions. Another key factor is organization! As a mother, nurse, wife, and PMHNP student there are plenty of tasks and deadlines I need to remember. Using a planner helps me remember due dates, appointments, birthdays, etc.” – LeAna Alvarez
  • “For students on-campus and online, time management is critical. Moreso for online students who do not have the same structure as on-campus students. Everyday occurrences and issues arise that can impact our time available to dedicate to our studies. Online students have to combat these obstacles and prioritize their workload. Strong scheduling skills are required to predict any disruption faced so that these obstacles do not interfere with required study time.” – Pauletta Turner