Meet Your Instructor: Myra Beth Bundy, Professor, EKU Department of Psychology

EKU Online > Meet Your Instructor: Myra Beth Bundy, Professor, EKU Department of Psychology

EKU instructor, Myra Beth Bundy believes in taking an active part in her student’s educational journey and providing a quality learning experience. She goes above and beyond to ensure her online students have opportunities to interact and engage with her. Bundy’s enthusiasm for her field and personal attention to her students makes her a particular point of pride on EKU’s campuses, both in-person and virtual. We take great pride in offering the chance to get to know her a little better.

What brought you to EKU?

I grew up in Southeastern Kentucky but pursued graduate educational opportunities out of state.  The opportunity to return to Kentucky and to teach at EKU was very exciting for me.  I saw EKU as the perfect blend of teaching, clinical work in my field of psychology, and research. 

Tell us a little about your work in your field.

I am a clinical psychologist and a board-certified behavior analyst. Being a clinical psychologist for many years, I went back to school and added the BCBA field and certification in the years 2017-2019. I teach classes and do clinical work in the fields of developmental disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, and forensic psychology. 

What moment at EKU stands out as most memorable?

The opportunities I have had through the years (and continue to have) to watch hundreds of wonderful students walk across the graduation line.  It’s the culmination of so much hard work and dedication and a reflection of valuable learning and growth. I go a little crazy with taking photos at graduation!

What is your approach to online teaching?

I assess student learning through a variety of means, including some (hopefully!) really creative short writing and thinking assignments.  It can be enjoyable to watch psychology class related videos and visual material and I enjoy having students create visual content to share with each other. 

What tactics or approaches do you use to  aid in your student’s success?

My classes are quite structured, with a weekly routine in assignments and expectations that continues throughout the entire class. I hope this consistency in expectations allows students to create a weekly learning and study routine that works well for them. 

What do you believe are the biggest advantages to online learning?

The opportunity to learn in the environment that the student needs to be (whether home or work or other) and to learn at the times that work best for the student’s life.  

What have you been up to lately? (Research, projects, awards, etc.)

I love teaching study abroad, and I was fortunate to teach in Greece during the recent winter break.  I’m planning to teach in Austria this coming summer with another EKU professor:  Dr. Winslow.  We plan to take our students to Freud’s home in Vienna and to a concentration camp memorial site in Germany. 

What advice would you give to someone who’s considering finishing their degree, or starting for the first time as an adult?

It makes me so happy to think about adults pursuing learning and career goals.  If someone has that drive and interest, I hope they will try it out and give themselves a chance.  When I returned to taking classes  after many years, I wasn’t sure if I would still be a good student.  Once I saw that I could still successfully perform tests (in my 50s!) and complete and learn from homework, my confidence and determination grew. 

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