March 23, 2022


teacher with young students
A large percentage of our student population in Kentucky and across the United States come from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Additionally, students enter our classrooms with varying abilities, disabilities, readiness-levels, and learning profiles that need to be considered when designing lessons. Research shows that race, ethnicity, cultural background, and poverty-level, can significantly influence a...
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When I think about the homeless, I imagine cardboard signs in sprawling urban cities. I never thought about homelessness being a problem in my hometown. A place where we take care of our own. Where we say, “Come on in and stay awhile” and “You’re always welcome here.” But along with the opioid epidemic, homelessness...
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communication studies
The topic of first impressions is explored extensively in communication studies courses, such as business and professional speaking or interpersonal communication. Research suggests that impressions of others are formed within the first seven seconds of an interaction. This means that before we utter the first words of a presentation or conversation, we are already being...
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Nato Flags
Given recent events in eastern Europe, the U.S. in particular needs to evaluate its “pivot to Asia” regional strategy. Originating largely in the Obama administration and continuing through the Trump and Biden administrations, the goals of the strategy are strengthening bilateral security alliances; deepening working relationships with emerging powers, expanding trade and investment; forging a...
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Hospitality is a highly competitive, trendy industry. Therefore, adapting to the latest technology is critical so as not to lose the competitive advantage. Hospitality technology is a term used to describe all technology, e-commerce, information technology, etc. used in the hospitality industry. The purpose of this technology is to provide convenience for employees and improve...
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